Our business is Software Consulting and we specialize in Database
Application Development and Database Administration. Additionally, we now offer services in Project Management and Event Coordination.
We can take projects for outsourcing, supply consultants to
develop projects at client sites, do full or limited database
administration and support, on-site or remote database tuning.
The company consists of a very flexible team of professionals. The
core team is working on full time assignments. The other consultants
are working full time for different companies but are able to
take a break from their jobs and take short time contracts with
Database International. Because of this we have very low overhead
(nobody is sitting on the bench) and can attract highly skilled
professionals for consulting work by offering high compensation
and at the same time offering significant savings to the customers.
List Of Our Customers:
Financial Institutions: Greenpoint Bank; Headlands
Mortgage Company
Aerospace Industry: Lockheed Martin Missiles and
Space Co
E-Commerce: Wine.com; E-music.com
Manufacturing: ADEM, LLC
Telecommunications: Siemens Corporation